
Gingerich Services

Tree Planting

We plant bare root, potted and balled and burlapped trees in any type of project across the Midwest. Send us an email at for a custom quote. Whether you have 100s of acres or 1 tree to plant we are equipped to handle your project.

TSI (Timber Stand Improvement)

We help landowners achieve their land management goals by removing undesirable tree species to create the best habitat for deer.

Tree Moving

We utilize a skid loader and tree spade moving trees on your property, especially red cedar for habitat projects.

Miscanthus Planting

Large or small scale planting, we travel from Ohio to Kansas, Wisconsin to Kentucky planting miscanthus.

No Till Planting

No Till Planting for your switchgrass, CRP (Conservation Reserve Program) Grass and pollinator programs

We utilize an 8’ Land Pride no till drill

360 Hunting Blinds

No Till Planting for your switchgrass, CRP (Conservation Reserve Program) Grass and pollinator programs

We utilize an 8’ Land Pride no till drill

Spraying & Invasive species eradication

We spray drainage ditches, CRP grasses etc.

Mowing, Large acreage and food plot mowing